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A Birthday Thank You.

As another birthday of yours arrives, I can’t help but reflect on the years we have shared by each other’s side. From teasing you for hours on end... to growing into my best friend. From sharing a room… to sharing an apartment… and all the ups and downs in between.

Though distance has separated us in space, I want you to know how close you are to my heart. I appreciate you for letting me back into your life, after me going through my own journey of understanding life and finding love myself. I shut all of my family out, and the one person I shouldn’t have shut out was you.

It’s great to be able to talk to you again, and share life with you. It feels great for you to be able to ask me a question, and watch you put effort towards my advice. You are constantly trying, and constantly open to communication… you allow for our relationship to grow the way that it has.

Knowing what I know now, I can truly see how lucky I am to have you in my life… and being able to share life with you. My relationship has allowed me to see so much more by opening my eyes up to what is and has been in front of me, and really experience love on the highest level. My track through life has allowed me to learn a lot more about myself, and in turn see a reflection of you and who you have been for me.

Even if I didn’t always express myself in the best way, or in the friendliest way... I appreciate you for all that you are. Thank you for being my little sister, and letting me experiment on life with you, and for all the ways I may have helped you become the beautiful woman you are today.

I wasn’t always the best person to you, but you were always wonderful to me. You have always been forgiving, cheerful, open and willing. I couldn’t ask for anything more from a sister… from a part of my soul… from a part of you that makes me who I am. Thank You.

Happy Birthday.

Love Always,

Your Big Sister.

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